Paul Hayes: Social Action and CF
Paul has been co-opted onto the national exec to develop social action programmes.
Social Action and CF Social Action for conservatives should not be just ‘good PR’ but its part and parcel of our political philosophy: we know that its not just the state that can intervene in our society and local communities if things go wrong, more often it is groups of individuals who make the most difference.
Getting involved in Social Action Projects, like anything that involves CF, is hugely fun and everyone gets so much out of it. I know its really corny but the sense of achievement you get when you see local kids playing footy in a park you have just helped to clean up probably equals that feeling when you pass your driving test!
By taking part in Social Action Projects we can help defeat the political apathy that is rife amongst young people in this country. Lets show people that those interested in politics aren’t ‘just in it for themselves,’ we do actually care about our communities and we are willing to go that extra mile to improve them. There are many different projects currently taking place across the country, or you could set up your own.
Over in Wirral, for example, there is a plan to help renovate a community centre that was burned to the ground by yobs a fortnight ago; in Sheffield we are getting involved in conservation projects and recently hosted a Christmas party for underprivileged kids with our local councillors. I would like every single CF branch to at least give a project a go.
Social Action is now a priority for CF, its up there with campaigning and socialising – so come on and give it a go! Email me at paulhayes31[AT] and I’ll help you to get something up and running.