Voting packs
Many CFers received their ballot papers today.
I thought it was good to see that unlike elections in the senior Party (e.g. leadership, National Convention), they didn't send out manifestos from all of the candidates - saving considerable expense. Voters are simply referred to the website, with the option of ringing up for paper copies of the manifestos (I'll write about the use of the net tomorrow soon).
There was one arguable omission from the "pack" though - an actual explanation of the positions that candidates have been nominated for. If you are reading this, chances are you are fairly clued up and involved in the national scene - but you may well be in the minority. The manifestos themselves give the less engaged a good gist of the roles that are being contested, but perhaps next time a side of A4 should be provided that explains the structure of CF.
Anyway, if you don't receive your forms within a week email [email protected] to see what the score is. Richard seems to have really helped get to grips with the electoral roll and ballot distribution, so we shouldn't see the mass disenfranchisement of last year - touch wood!