ToryDiary details David Cameron's speech about the need to restore trust in politics - and politicians. The Conservative party seems to have grasped that Westminster politics is not working.
Why? There is simply not enough competition in politics. With "safe seats", powerful Whips, arcane debating protocol and £10,000 a year "communications allowances", the rules favour established politicians - and establishment politics. If competition improves the performance of businesses, surely a bit more competition in politics might force MPs to raise their game?
David Cameron suggested today a mechanism to allow voters to help set Parliament's agenda and a right of referenda (see here for the details on how this might work, as set out by
Other ways of ensuring we were able to hold MPs to account would include a right of recall, proper open primaries to select MPs in safe seats, democratic accountability for quangos, and less taxpayer money for big corporate party machines (As Daniel Hannan has suggested, if Obama can raise millions on-line, why should our parties rely ever more on State hand-outs?).
Is this an anti-politics agenda? You bet. The dozy gentlemen's club called Parliament might not like this - but in the age of the internet, it's time for change. Yes, we can.
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