The former Liberal Party leader Jo Grimond died in 1993. He would have been a great asset to the Government.
A flavour of his views can be read in Hansard.
Here he is in a debate on industrial investment in 1992:
I believe British industry bears an extraordinary burden in the form of our complex tax and accounting systems. For a brief period I belonged to an international organisation. It appears that foreign industry does not suffer from that handicap to the same extent. Again I urge the Government to simplify and reduce as far as possible the various taxes and other regulations which industry has to deal with.
Here he is in the same year taking a swipe at the EU:
Are we to be allowed to make our own regulations? Is he aware that I am informed that farm cheese made in Orkney cannot now be kept on wooden shelves? Shelves must be made of stainless steel. This, apparently, is a direction from Brussels. Surely this is the kind of matter which could be dealt with further down the democratic line, if it needs to be dealt with at all, rather than in Brussels.
Also lots of good stuff in praise of privatisation, competition and wider share ownership. He would have made a rather good Business Secretary.