The latest YouGov tracker poll on AV is out (p2).
Current voting intentions neck-and-neck: 38% in favour of FPTP vs 37% in favour of AV.
Looking deeper into the numbers, though, it's looking bad for the Yes campaign, even at this early stage: the 18-29 group is heavily in favour of switching to AV (37 to 26) but most of them, of course, won't vote when it comes to it, whilst the 60+ age group, the vast majority of of which will vote, are heavily against (52 to 33).
Interesting to note that London is the only region in favour of AV - London-based journalists might like to bear that in mind when "taking the temperature" on the issue. People might bear polls such as this in mind, also, when advancing arguments such as "the case for FPTP is already lost" and so "since change is inevitable, we should accept AV as a less bad alternative than PR". It's not over yet, though, and some form of "time for a change" argument might yet carry the day.
P.S. I see that in response to my last post, a number of you suggested I was using the cost argument as some kind of cover for a broader opposition to AV and should stick to less "fatuous" arguments. Eh? Was myposition on AV in some way unclear?