In his column for yesterday’s Telegraph Charles Moore listed some of the policy areas where the Right had been vindicated in the last ten years:
- “We pointed out that Robert Mugabe would be a Marxist tyrant even before he reached office. It took about 20 years of murder and destruction before this truth was universally acknowledged.”
- “We warned that mass immigration put the worst strain on the poorest people. At the time, this was "racist"; today, it is common ground between the parties.”
- “We said that Gordon Brown's public finances would eventually produce disaster, while sunnier politicians gabbled about "sharing the proceeds of growth".
I’d also suggest that the Right has been vindicated on the importance of family structure, the power of incarceration (a lesson we are unlearning it seems) and the folly of the €uro.
In the years to come...
- We’ll be proven right about the value of school choice;
- The superiority of trade over aid as a cure for global poverty (in fact this may already be won intellectually);
- The danger of trying to ‘green’ our economies with immature and expensive technologies; and
- The fact that individual nation states choosing to work together in successions of one-off partnerships are our only hope of tackling rogue states (and other great global challenges), rather than do-nothing, talk-a-lot multinational organisations.