For those who felt my last post too soft, try this.
For as long as they are foolish enough to leave it online, here is the Order of Service for the "Service for Europe Day" held at Westminster Abbey on Sunday.
You have to read it. You would think otherwise that I am making this up.
(If you have just eaten, or are of a fragile disposition, look away now.)
- Those assembled stood as the flag of the European Union was presented at the Altar.
- An extract from the Schuman Declaration was read from the Pulpit (no, seriously).
- They congregation's amended Act of Penitence read "Let us bring before God our failures and weaknesses... the opposition seculaire which has hindered our unity..."
- The congregation prayed, "Giving thanks for the vision, courage, and example of Robert Schuman, let us pray for the European Union..." and then they prayed for the President of the EU. For the Parliament. For the Commission. For the Council. For the Court of Justice. For the ECHR.
- And then they stood and pledged an "Act of Commitment", beginning "Lord God Our Father, we affirm our commitment to the European Union..." (no, SERIOUSLY).
- And then they remained standing for "The Anthem of the European Union" and the processing out of the EU flag. Poor Beethoven did nothing to deserve this.
Cameron has his work cut out for him, mais non?
Hat tip: MM