In his speech this morning, Gordon Brown declared that "we can fight the unbeatable foe. Right the unrightable wrong. Reach the unreachable star." These noble sentiments are of course lyrics from a song in the show "Man of La Mancha". This stars Don Quixote, a deluded and absurdly old-fashioned wealthy old man, permitted to tour the country (accompanied by his faithful squire Sancho Panza) seeing dragons where there are none, tilting at windmills, whilst those that should be looking after him squabble over his inheritance.
Don Quixote is convinced that everyone is in continuous danger of attack by the evil Enchanter. He encounters a young, promiscuous character called Aldonza, whom he attempts to woo, swearing eternal loyalty. The romantic nature of his delusions, and the sheer ease with which he can be pitied, charm those that do not know him, but his own family task Dr Carrasco with shattering his delusions so that he can be returned home and the matter of his inheritance settled. I could go on, but suffice it to say, all does not turn out well for our hero.
I presume readers will agree that when Gordon Brown volunteers to identify himself with Don Quixote, there really is nothing left for satirists to do...