Never have truer words been spoken at the United Nations General Assembly:
"Yesterday the President of Iran stood at this podium spewing anti-Semitic rants [and] just a few days earlier he claimed the Holocaust was a lie.
"Yesterday, the man who called the Holocaust a lie spoke from this podium. For those who refused to come and for those who left in protest, I commend you; you stood up for moral clarity.
"But for those who stayed - I say on behalf of the Jewish people, my people and decent people everywhere; have you no shame? No decency? What a disgrace, what a mockery of the charter of the UN"
Part two of the speech can be found here.
Congratulations Prime Minister Netanyahu for illustrating so beautifully the moral bankruptcy of the United Nations - and the absolute neccessity of its immediate reform to stop deranged despots sharing an equal platform with leaders of democratically-elected countries.
CentreRight readers: how would you reform the UN?