Amidst the ongoing furore re President Obama's healthcare plans, here is a remarkably blunt attack from the august American College of Surgeons. They say, inter alia, that
The American College of Surgeons is deeply disturbed over the uninformed public comments President Obama continues to make...
And that's just the beginning of their release.
Our American readers can tell me if I misjudge this, but I from what I gather this is about on a par (i.e. very ususual and serious) as it would be if the Royal College of Surgeons bashed the government in this country.
Putting aside the issues in the instant problem between the College and the Preisdent, it is also worth noting that thus far in his relatively short incumbency, the President has made ill-judged remarks that have alienated law enforcement and the largest organisation of surgeons in the world.
Not exactly making things easy for himself, is he?