On a day when many undeserved eulogies will doubtless be written, I take a contrary view. My position on "Sir" Edward Kennedy has been expressed before, so I simply say this. Let us go so far as to put aside his apologism for IRA terrorism, his tacit and not-so-tacit approval for the "Irish-American" extremist lobby who held nothing but sympathy for the murderers of many British subjects, and gave succour and support to them, without which the IRA would never have been so "successful". Instead of those who were therefore indirectly his victims, let us simply remember Mary Jo Kopechne, whom he left to drown in the waters of Chappaquiddick, whose death he never explained and for which he was never punished. Lord David Owen was stupid enough to say on the Today programme today that Chappaquiddick was a "profound personal tragedy" for Teddy Kennedy. To state the obvious - the tragedy was Kopechne's and her family's, and Kennedy caused it. Death doesn't change that.