On ToryDiary 'Mikey' has left this comment that I thought deserved wider attention.
"Although I hate Heffer's style here's why I fear he might be right:
1, Accepting the climate change consensus.
2, Opposing grammar schools.
3, Accepting 50p tax.
4, Declining to say he'll reverse Lisbon.
5, Cutting defence spending but increasing NHS spending.
6, Forcing Catholic adoption agencies to accept homosexuality (I'm gay btw but support freedom of association).
7, Backing extra state funding of political parties.
8, Making air travel too expensive for poor families.
9, Supporting positive discrimination for women and ethnic minorities.
10, Backing for shooting galleries for drug addicts.
11, Cuddling up to Obama while shunning Bush.
12, Opposition to nuclear power stations.
13, Dumping of the Patient Passport.
14, Silence on immigration.
Enough for now."