You really have to hand it to Hazel Blears, don't you? They say no-one who crosses the Chipmunk ever lives to tell the tale and I can't help thinking they are right. It looks like she's really done it for Gordon Brown. We all thought he was sort of the living dead - increasingly grey, finished, but somehow he wouldn't quite finally go. The timing could not be more damaging and if I had to place a bet, I reckon this could finally tip it for Brown to go after Thursday and pave the way for an October election. What do Centre Right readers think?
Blears' resignation statement must be one of the most damning ever. Incredibly well drafted, with meaning built in at all levels, just about every line of it is critical of Brown in some way. A quick review:
"Today I have told the prime minister that I am resigning from the Government. [And I cannot tell you just how relieved I am]
"My politics has always been rooted in the belief that ordinary people are capable of extraordinary things, given the right support and encouragement. [Gordon is horrible and undermined me all the time]
"The role of a progressive Government should be to pass power to the people [He's a complete control freak, isn't he?]. I've never sought high office for the sake of it, or for what I can gain, but for what I can achieve for the people I represent and serve [He just clings onto power for the sake of it, he has no purpose or direction, has forgotten what he's for. He is just in it for himself].
"In this next phase of my political life I am redoubling my efforts to speak up for the people of Salford as their Member of Parliament. I am returning to the grassroots (where I began), to political activism, to the cut and thrust of political debate. [I am so relieved to be out of this wretched Government and to be able to focus on the things that matter to me - including getting revenge on Gordon Brown]
"Most of all I want to help the Labour Party to reconnect with the British people, to remind them that our values are their values, that their hopes and dreams are ours too. [We have to dump Gordon and start over right away. No-one knows what we stand for anymore. We've really got our work cut out, haven't we? I want to be part of the Labour renewal.]
"I am glad to be going home to the people who matter the most to me: the people of Salford. [As far away from Gordon as I can get . . . Salford will do]
"Finally, there's an important set of elections tomorrow. My message is simple: get out and vote Labour. [I still believe in the Labour Party and I am loyal to the cause.]