Although only recently having reached the age of just 40, I remember well the last years of the Conservative Government, leading up to Labour's election victory in 1997. Far more damaging to the Tories - and much more deadly than anything Tony Blair did - was TV satire. Over the years of Government, House of Cards, Alan B'stard and Harry Enfield's Tory Boy, all gave the impression - however unjust and unfair - to the watching millions, that Conservatives were heartless, thoughtless and cruel. This image lingered long into the dark years of opposition, and it is to David Cameron's credit, that he has done so much to change this.
I thought of these characters as I watched In the Loop, this weekend. Instead of Tories being at the butt end of satire, it was Labour and the spin machine. A hapless Minister, a scheming Special Adviser, and two spin doctors, of the type that we knew about during the Blair years, and heard so much about over the past fortnight. In the Loop is all the more remarkable, because it achieves in mirror image what the programmes, I mentioned above, did to the Conservatives. The film, effectively destroys New Labour and exposes how the spin machine has corrupted government. It is so accurate, that, were it not for the black humour, you think you might be watching a documentary. Through entertainment and comic genius, In the Loop, does more to question the integrity of New Labour, than almost any other critique. Let us hope the DVD is out soon.
Clip below: