I'm just back from attending (briefly) the pro-capitalism demo outside of the Bank of England.
There was a weekend feel to most of the City. Very few people on the streets and lots of casual attire. Police and media outnumbered protestors.
All the activity was close to the Bank of England. While I was there the protestors were pretty good-natured although there was the usual collection of nutty views. One poster declared that 7/7 was an MI5 plot. I saw two posters portraying Obama as the devil. There was also a footy-style chant: 'Build a bonfire, build a bonfire, put the bankers on the top, put Gordon Brown in the middle and burn the f**king lot'.
Through the wonders of the capitalist iPhone I did (1) a five minute interview for Bill Bennett's Morning in America radio programme [I'll upload an audio link later] and (2) took photographs including images of the small pro-capitalism demo...
'Who is John Galt?' York University students were behind the pro-capitalism demo:
Tim Aker of the TaxPayers' Alliance holding his banner. Simon Richards of the Freedom Association is photograping me photographing Tim!
Mark Wallace of the TaxPayers' Alliance - in a better dead and red t-shirt - talks to a reporter:
The chunkiest police truck I've ever seen in Britain:
'Arrest the War Criminals' says one group of protestors:
'Canary Wharf RIP':
Back in Westminster, a pro-free trade banner on Parliament Square: