A PS to my earlier defence of blogs.
Oliver Kamm (of whom I am an admirer) writes that "Blogs are in the main a vehicle for the politically committed to speak to the likeminded."
I know where he is coming from and I do think blogs can be introspective but (1) they have generally improved internal party debates and (2) the overall impact of the internet has been to widen most people's exposure to different views.
When I was growing up I got most of my news from the BBC and from either The Daily Telegraph or The Times. Occasionally I read The Daily Mail.
Today, because of the internet, I enjoy many more sources of news and comment. I read part of almost every online newspaper every day - not least The Guardian and the FT.
It's also true that I don't just read centre right blogs but also a number of left-leaning blogs. My favourites are Tom Harris, Liberal Conspiracy, Martin Bright, Matthew Taylor and - just for light entertainment - Kevin Maguire.
Because of LabourHome and LibDemVoice I am also much better informed about the debates within other parties.
I'd be interested if people would leave comments on their own reading patterns. Have they narrowed or widened because of the internet?