Reading the paper this morning, I was struck by the contradictions of the Labour Government. Pictured right, in her dreams, the aristocrat Harriet Harman, dressed in the robes of a tribune of the people, supreme champion of human rights. And then we have the contradiction - she wants to pass what amounts to an act of attainder on Sir Fred Goodwin. That hasn't been seen in the UK since the 18th century. The irony is that it is contrary to the Protocol to Article 1 (deprivation of property) of her beloved European Convention of Human Rights.
Then I was struck by the following question. Why is it not on for a man who cares passionately about the fight against crime to sponsor a crime fighting telly programme aimed at keeping us all safe, but OK for an Islamic conference to be held at a state funded primary school where banned cleric Omar Bakri, who passionately wants to harm us, rages down religious hate on our country?
Are we now moving into arbitrary government of "people we like, people we don't like". Anyone got any other contradictions? The winner with the best one gets to pay me £10 . . .