The Children's Society 'The Good Childhood Inquiry' to be published on Wednesday was previewed in the weekend papers, and we are told, will contain 'controversial' findings. 'Controversial' implies the findings might not be true or valid, when what they probably mean is 1) the findings are true and therefore exclusive [all truth excludes] but 2) they apply them universally, which, as I have recently been reminded, makes too many presumptions and ignores individual circumstances. Being a working mother has not meant I have neglected kids or have left my husband through my economic independence.
But the overall theme - the 'excessive individualism' of adults today is totally valid and key to changing this as I have said before, is how the Tory Party raises the status of being a parent, which is the most important job I will ever do. I hope that they will adopt some of the really positive suggestions made by this report such as civic ceremonies for the public acceptance of parental responsibilities [booked at the Registrars office?!] and free parenting classes and 'normalise' family support access [more here]. NuLab in all their PC glory have contributed massively to this mess by withdrawing funding from many organisations that supported families and marriage in the late 90's.
Churchill said of Asquith 'His children are his best memorial, and their lives recount and revive his (great) qualities.' Imagine that becoming the maxim for all parents in this country... anyhow, must go, have just committed myself to a snowball fight which, bearing in mind the bowling ability of my 10 year old, demonstrates total commitment!