The move by David Freud to join the Conservatives with a role working on welfare reform is not only welcome but necessary. It is becoming increasingly clear that the current level of public spending will require careful review as tax revenues dwindle and borrowing spikes in the downturn. Very difficult decisions will have to be made. This point was highlighted in yesterday's News of the World, which pointed out that the gap will equal the entire annual expenditure on the armed forces, the Police and a whole host of other much needed public services.
Things simply cannot carry on as they are. Increasingly, people realise the mountain we have to climb to get Britain back into proper order. Recent opinion polls indicate that voters are ahead of the current political debate in understanding difficult decisions will have to be made on public spending. We will need all the expertise we can get from the brightest and best to turn things around if we are elected to Government.
David Freud is a serious man for serious times. I am personally delighted to welcome him as a member of Dover & Deal Conservatives, where I am the Parliamentary candidate. Defections are a good thing - especially when they involve us losing pompous lightweights we are well shot of - like Quentin Davies - and gaining the serious talents we will need to chart the storm tossed seas that lie ahead.