Over at the Spectator, Clive Davis asks:
Am I missing something or does CentreRight blogger Andrew Lilico really not understand the difference between a golly, Krusty the Klown and the Michelin Man?
Yes Clive. I understand the difference. Being hailed "Look! It's the Michelin Man!" might be intended to offend or upset you if you were overweight. Being hailed "Look! It's Krusty the Clown!" might be intended to offend or upset you if you were Jewish and balding. Being hailed "Look! It's the golliwog!" might be intended to offend or upset you if you were of African or Afro-Caribbean extraction. That's the difference.
Now, Clive, am I missing something or does Spectator blogger Clive Davis really not understand the similarity between a golly, Krusty the Klown and the Michelin Man?
[P.S. Clive goes on to imply that I am trying to defend Carol Thatcher's "phrase". I have no idea what Carol Thatcher's phrase actually was and hence have no idea whether I want to defend her phrase or not. That's one of the problems with firing people on the basis of gossip about private conversations.]