Although largely anticipated, Powell's endorsement last night of Obama could have a significant effect on floating voters. It may enhance Obama's standing to be commander in chief.
Powell also said that Palin was a poor choice for VP, and questioned McCain's judgement on this - a view that is now becoming widespread amongst many conservative commentators (except Louise Bagshawe of course).
Newt Gingrich has just said on ABC's "This Week" program that the endorsement is significant: "What that just did in one sound-bite -- and I assume that sound-bite will end up in an ad -- is it eliminated the experience argument,'' Gingrich said. ``How are you going to say the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, former national security adviser, former [Republican] secretary of state was taken in?'' Watch Gingrich here.
Although the Obama Express is looking unstoppable, I am still in the camp that thinks it ain't over till its over.