Sixty-one years ago on this day, we granted India her wish for independence. Although by no means perfect, unlike Pakistan, India has remained true to her democratic foundation and, with her 1.1 billion people, has become the largest nation in the free world. At a time when authoritarian Russia is bent on re-starting the Cold War and communist China is more powerful than ever, the West needs to embrace India far more tightly. Among emerging nations, there is no ally as critical as India, especially compared to our "allies" in the Middle East.
Despite a socialist beginning under Nehru, India today is far more capitalist and free thinking than probably most people imagine. My job takes me there every few months, and each time I visit I am struck by how modern India is truly becoming. As well an improving infrastructure, blossoming business and an outward looking culture, India is no longer the land of constraints. You can marry who you want, take the job you want, live where you want and dream what you want. In a nutshell, Indians are living more like us by the day.
Through aid, trade, diplomacy and military alliance, the West, led by the UK (for historical reasons) and the US (for obvious reasons) should start showing India more love. She will reciprocate, and together we'll be far stronger in this increasingly hostile world.