This week Conservative MPs have published expenses online. I nearly choked on my cornflakes when I read in the Guardian that I had claimed over £945 for the last three months in food allowances. As I was the only one mentioned for food claims in the article it clearly gave the inference that I must have claimed more for food than any other Conservative MP. I knew this could not be true and checked with the Commons Finance Office. They confirmed to me that I had claimed a total of £526.62 significantly below the published figure, below the average so not worthy of exceptional reporting in article.
I urge the Guardian to get its facts straight in future cases as such sloppy journalism creates great confusion and potential cause for redress. Mr Patrick Wintour, Political Editor of Guardian has confirmed that the Guardian has made a mistake and put my name in print instead of another MP. He has assured me that an apology and correction will appear in the Guardian and I look forward to seeing that.