Both Iain Dale and Stephen Pollard have already commented on Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's extraordinarily offensive article in Monday's Independent.
If you haven't read the article yet then do so: it reveals the full bigotry of the Left, stripped bare and unashamed.
This is the worst paragraph:
Almost more depressing is the sight of black and Asian Britons following the wind blowing the Tories to victory. Boris has recruited Afro Caribbean "leaders" who believe in physical chastisement and smart young Asians who deny the existence of racism and want an end to political correctness. The more old-fashioned Uncle Toms and their female equivalents are now expediently making themselves known to the Tories and right-wing think tanks.
Messrs Dale and Pollard say what needs to be said about the use of the term 'Uncle Tom'. But note also the ironic quote marks around the word 'leaders' in what I take to be a reference to Ray Lewis, Boris Johnson's deputy mayor for young people – a man who has shown great courage and vision in doing something practical about disadvantage in his community. This is what true leadership is about, not spitting poison from the pages of the Independent.
One might also remark that while Ms Alibhai-Brown condemns black and Asian people who "make themselves known to the Tories", she's not above making herself known to the Tories, as she goes on to reveal:
For reasons I have yet to fathom, two weeks ago, I was invited to address a meeting at the House of Lords organised by the Conservative Muslim Forum. The room was full and the discussion on Muslim women lively.
So why is she allowed to associate with Conservatives, while others are not?
I will leave you with one last nugget of the lady's wisdom:
By the time our time comes around again, I will be pushing up the daisies or dancing half naked in some home for sufferers of senile dementia, a blessing perhaps, to be lost in irreversible lunacy and never again to care about what happens to politics.
Fill in your punch line here...