Cath Elliott, writing for the Guardian web site, was asked in a job interview 23 years ago if she planned to leave and have children. Now, she crows "quite frankly I really couldn't care less if privileged white men are about to get a taste of their own medicine" (before implausibly denying that Harman's so-called Equality Bill does just that).
How well those words capture the real ugliness of militant feminism and race-baiting. Of course, her then-interviewer almost certainly won't be adversely affected by this legislation. But righting wrongs and achieving justice for individuals is not the point - if it were, she would believe in colour-blind hiring. Instead, other "privileged white men" must serve as proxies for their sex and racial grouping, and "get a taste of their own medicine" as a penalty for past wrongs by others who have a Y chromosome and share their skin colour. She admits freely she doesn't care who they are - for her, being white and male is enough to make them suffer.
Try to imagine a major national newspaper printing the suggestion that black people in general should be made to pay for the crimes of Robert Mugabe's regime, or that Muslims as a whole should be made to suffer for the misdeeds of Islamic terrorists. Warped.