The Sunday newspapers were predictably full of stories relating to Brown's demise at the proxy hands of ambitious Cabinet Ministers. Even more predictably those very same Ministers were preaching their loyal and unwavering support to the man they want to replace.
There is the old joke of a candidate on hearing of the death of an MP, John Bloggs, they telephone the agent and enquire whether it is possible to replace Mr. Bloggs. "I don't right know" replies the agent, "I'll ask the undertaker".
Nothing so brash or obvious for this lot. The man who wields the knife rarely get to enjoy the inheritance, so subtle dance moves whilst giving the appearance of standing still is the order of the day.
Fortunately the would be Kings are aided by another group of people who are even more ambitious. These people are divided into two. Those who are looking down the gun barrel and see it's fully loaded and cocked to fire, and those who feel their greatness has been overlooked by the current King.
The first camp will be whispering into the ears of their preferred candidate encouraging them to take the bull by the horns and go for the top job (and at the same time save theirs....anyone with a majority less than say 7,000 fall into this category).
The second camp with a more comfortable buffer before the p45 lands on their carpet just want their tremendous skills recognised by anyone likely to win. Who says you never miss what you have never had, and the absence of the red box has irked them for up to 11 years.
I have no doubt that there is probably a third group too, but much smaller in size. These people think Gordon is crap and should go, to be replaced by somebody who is a real socialist and is averse to taxing the poorer people to reward the rich folk.
This whole exercise is going on behind closed doors and on telephones at the moment. No wonder the Government is keen to record every telephone call made. I'm sure the transcripts of such conversations would be somewhat more interesting than the newspapers for Gordon.
When the House gets back on Monday the whole scenario remains the same but will be more transparent and uglier than even an MPs housing allowance. The plotting will be thick in the tea rooms, and the terrace. The whispers will be so loud that Gordon will be able to hear them deep in his bunker.
Denials will be made. the usual suspects like Alan Simpson, Frank Field, and Graham Stringer are taking to the airwaves, but will be joined by other less high profile assassins. Trade Union paymasters will also be operating behind the scenes as will be the living corpses of sacked councillors who are out for Gordon to take the blame. Even the dwindling number of Labour Party workers will want someone more saleable in No.10 as they are somewhat fed up in having doors shut in their faces after receiving a tirade of verbal abuse about post office closures, 10p. tax rate abolition or the fact that Brown is just useless.
One thing is for certain, If the tragic opera's finale reaches its possible conclusion with the demise of the King, then one thing must happen forthwith. Whoever is lucky enough to be given the opportunity to take the helm of UK Ltd., they have to do the one thing that Brown failed to do, and that is to seek the verdict of the British electorate.
Browns titanic sinking can be traced from the day he bottled his intention to call the election. The speed of the rapid descent of the wreck has surprised everyone including seasoned commentators. Brown's successor, whoever he or she is, cannot pretend that nothing much has happened other than the Premier being smuggled out of the back Downing Street and replaced with a newer model. Britain has been cheated out of its referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. They have been cheated also out of their election which Brown was duty bound to call.
Machinations behind and in front of the scenes will play their course, but the result cannot rely on the old convention that whoever has the confidence of the House is PM, and that is that. Blair was knifed and bundled out of No. 10 by Brown and his henchmen even after stating that Blair would be there for the full term. That did not happen.
If the same thing happens again then the British people will be rightly furious, and the knife carrying Labour hoodies hiding in dark corners waiting for Brown to pay the ultimate sacrifice to save their jobs should think on early election might just save their jobs, but barricading the door of no.10 with its new inhabitant safely inside will just not wash.
Once cheated- but the price for a second cheat will be very high indeed, and rightly so!