As yet I have heard no convincing explaination as to why Wendy Alexander called for an early referendum on Scottish independence without consulting Gordon Brown.
A moment's thought would have told her that it would put the PM in an impossible position – something which many in the Labour Party would love to do to their leader, but surely not the devoted Wendy.
But there is another obvious flaw in her cunning plan: It would be foolish for any unionist politician to trigger a referendum campaign unless a 'no' vote was assured. In this regard, a campaign leader able to best Alex Salmond would be a minimum requirement.
So who would this campaign leader be? Well, the natural choice would be the leader of the largest unionist party, and right now that would be Bendy Wendy herself. Oh dear.
I hope the leaders of the other unionist parties are making it crystal clear to Scottish Labour that they can expect no cooperation of any sort until they find themselves a credible figurehead. This isn't just an internal Labour matter, the future of the union may depend upon it.