I did my first stint in the campaign this morning (Saturday). Let me give three early impressions.
* The campaign is well organised. Leaflets had been counted and bundled, maps and directions were supplied and the turnaround time was about five minutes (for Con Home readers who were asking, the leaflet included both a farewell from Boris and an introduction to John Howell).
*Support was good. As I arrived at the Thame campaign office, I was met by the chairmen of Buckinghamshire County Council and Aylesbury Vale District Council (I thought I must be at one of my constituency civic services!). I saw people from a number of neighbouring seats and helpers had signed in from as far away as Cambridge and Torfaen.
*I was leafletting in John Howell's own county division of Dorchester-on-Thames. It was very encouraging to hand over a leaflet to someone weeding their garden and get the response "I know John. He'll definitely get my vote." Those who know John Howell best as their local representative seem to have a high opinion of him.
The mood is good but we must not be complacent. I know that our campaign offices in both Thame and Henley look forward to welcoming ConHome readers in their hordes.