Is crime a political issue? Has it been a mistake for the Conservatives to highlight it as a keystone policy? Or is it something that will propel Boris to the mayoral office, and give Paddick at least an honourable poll showing?
I’ve gone on record in the past as suggesting the National Police Memorial should receive better official attention. It could be a centre point for the Mayor to commemorate those who fall in the public service. It could play a small mirror to the annual celebration that takes part in Washington DC, honouring the role played by those who preserve the public peace, sometimes at great personal risk.
That’s by the by. Walking past the memorial today, it looks like someone has tried to break into the lock, and then tried jemmying open the door that allows access to the commemorative book. I know Lord Foster designed it, but I’m pretty certain a missing chunk of masonry and a gaping hole wasn’t part of the blueprint.
If I’m right, then this act of vandalism is a national disgrace. If a memorial to the fallen police, lying around the corner from the Prime Minister’s own house, isn’t safe, then maybe crime really is a burning issue of the day.