A year ago it would have been unthinkable but the Republicans now believe that Iraq may actually help them to keep the White House this November. Their belief is that General Petraeus' surge of troops has won enough progress for the American people to believe that premature troop withdrawals would throw away the gains that have been bought at such a heavy price. The GOP's number one asset is General Petraeus. And this new video from the Republican National Committee contrasts the promises of Clinton and Obama to listen to the US Commanders in the field with General Petraeus' own warning of the "devastating" consequences of a hasty exit.
The official Democrats are now switching more of their attention to issues like the economy but MoveOn.org, a radical leftist pressure group that caused outrage last year when it published adverts entitled 'General Betray-us', is keeping up the pressure on Iraq. The video below reminds viewers of previous calls for patience from Republican leaders, including McCain, requesting six more months. It warns of "endless war" in Iraq if the Republicans are given any more chances.