Sitting here watching the Panorama programme on C. Diff I am getting angrier and angrier. Please do not not crucify Rose Gibb again. She is not personally responsible for C. Difficile. What happened in Maidstone is not exceptional. But Maidstone is to be the scapegoat and Rose Gibb is to be held responsible.
Don't get me wrong. There is a problem. And all doctors know there is problem. And we know how to solve the problem. There are not enough nurses. The government targets have increased the throughput of patients to unmanageable proportions. Beds are too close. Sheets are not changed. The bed occupancy rate is unsustainable. The truth is that it is not Rose Gibb who needs to be dismissed. It is not her fault. The fault lies at the feet of Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Alan Johnson, and Patricia Hewitt. And do not be fooled by the deep cleaning initiative. It was a con. An expensive con.
Don't believe a word of it (full report here).