There's nothing on the newswires yet, but my sources inform me that Downing Street is about to announce the appointment of leading US economist Arthur B Laffer to a "senior ministerial position".
Details on the precise nature of the appointment are sketchy, but Alistair Darling has been seen leaving the Treasury carrying a cardboard box.
In his first reshuffle as Prime Minister, Gordon Brown made a special point of recruiting Ministers and advisers from outside the usual circle, with Lord Malloch Brown and Baroness Williams among the appointments.
It is thought that the soon-to-be Lord Laffer of Nashville will spearhead a radical shift in the Government's fiscal policy in an attempt to boost declining tax revenues.
Commenting earlier from his bunker, Tim Montgomerie said "it was only a matter of time before Gordon Brown outflanked us on taxation policy. This development confirms all my fears."