His first post at the United Nations was in 2000. He'd just been voted out of office in Switzerland and communist Cuba sponsored him for a new ambassadorial role to the third world at the UN.
For most of his time at the UN he has attacked the USA and Israel, blaming the "American imperialism and its guilty arrogance" for most of the world's problems and accusing the US of "genocide against Cuba".
He compared Israeli soldiers to Nazi concentration camp guards and refused to describe Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation; preferring to regard it as a "national resistance movement".
Western capitalism, he says, "kills, destroys, slaughters ... for no other reason than the desire for maximum profit for some cosmocrats who are driven by an obsession for power and unlimited greed".
But, for Ziegler, "[Robert] Mugabe has history and morality with him."
He helped to draft the constitution for the one party state of Ethiopian dictator Mengistu in 1986.
He helped institute a 'human rights prize' paid for by Libya's Gaddafi, a prize that has since been awarded to Castro, Chavez and a French denier of the Holocaust.
And what happened to him yesterday? He was elected as an expert advisor to the UN Human Rights Council by 40 votes to 7.
Hat-tips to Alan Johnson on Comment is free and UN Watch video below.