In his speech on the economy David Cameron said:
"I'm an MP for one of the fastest growing towns in the country: Witney. There's an incredible hub of science-based businesses in pharmaceuticals and technology that have the potential for further growth. Yet Witney doesn't have a railway station and is connected to the nearest city, Oxford, by just a single-carriage road. Local businesses there don't just need economic stability. They don't just need lower tax and fewer regulations. They need the infrastructure, in the broadest sense of the word, to succeed. They need good transport links so they get their goods up and down the country and beyond."
Witney used to have a thriving train station. It was a mistake getting rid of it. Perhaps opening a new train station for Witney and many other places could make money and be achieved without subsidy. Even so I suspect Cameron is right in saying it would need some kind of Government intervention for such things to be achieved.