No need to rub your eyes, it's true - starting tomorrow BBC2 is running a week-long series on what life is like for white people in this country, which includes talking to members of a Working Men's Club in Bradford and a drama about a white family moving into a Muslim area.
In response, Newsnight have conducting some polling that will feature in tonight's show. It shows that a majority of white, working class people feel unrepresented, can't afford to buy homes, believe crime and life in general has got worse in the last decade, and believe that on balance immigration into Britain is a bad thing. White middle classes gave largely the same answers just not quite as strongly, with the main divergence being on immigration which a majority thought was a good thing.
As the poll shows, no political party can claim to be the true representatives of these people. Labour has let them down on crime and immigration but the Conservatives have some persuading to do. Contrast this to the Canadian Conservatives who have successfully pitched a gritty, conservative and anti-establishment message to "Tim Horton voters".