Contrary post of the day: the massive poll leads recorded in recent days make me nervous. It's good to have a lead, of course, and despite protests from various quarters, Cameron has in fact always had one apart from Brown's honeymoon bounce. When the history of this failing, tired government is written, I hope it will record the important fact that ICM's poll of a 6% lead for us in fifty marginal seats came before Brown's Yellow Saturday moment; caused it, indeed, and was not merely an effect of it.
These shifts seem to me to be very fast. And Ben Brogan records that Lord Ashcroft is talking about a still impressive seven percent lead.
Labour, surely, is bound to recover from these lows. We all need to keep steady when strange polls are recorded (only a few weeks back one firm had Labour with a one point lead). I hope the hares will not start calling for the tortoises to get their skates on if these massive leads stabilise. You can almost hear it now: "Cameron couldn't sustain the momentum! Give me a real Conservative!"
My suggestion: forget the polls and campaign as if we were, say, three points behind; hard work in front but everything to fight for.