I was picked up from the aircraft in Johannesburg by Mr Nelson Mandila.
That really was his name. He was an extremely kind porter. Given that there was a twenty minute walk from the aircraft to the luggage carousel, and another thirty minute wait there, we struck up a most interesting conversation.
Mr Mandila told me he was very worried for the future of South Africa. There were daily power cuts (something I witnessed for myself when staying at my friend's in the evening). Moreover, the electricty company had wanted to put up prices by 60%. But the biggest concern was crime. This was a plague on all South Africans. Barely a day went by when there was not some serious robbery or murder. Whilst the rich lived in gated communities with guards and barbed wire, the poor could only suffer.
Mr Mandila told me that if crime was not seriously sorted by the Government, he doubted may tourists would risk coming to South Africa for the World Cup. And speaking of the World Cup, I found out that the projects had been seriously delayed because of corruption and endemic cost overuns. So an interesting first day in what is a beautiful and captivating country.
Related link: Robert's experience at Heathrow.