Douglas Carswell is right when he says Parliament needs reform. As somebody fighting to become an MP at the next election, I view with dismay a clubby, backwards system where the favour of the Speaker and "seniority", ie length of time in Parliament, govern how often a Member is called to speak.
The procedure has it exactly backwards. It focuses on the dignity of the MP as a person, rather than their constituents. Voters in areas with recently elected MPs have as much right to representation, with their MP getting an equal chance to speak on their behalf, as the constituents of the Father of the House.
Press accounts say that criticism of the Speaker has been muted because MPs fear not being called to speak. I have no idea if that is true, but if so, it is a disgrace. No one person should have such control over the debate in Britain's legislature. Quite aside from the position of the present Speaker, whilst we are reforming Parliament's accountability, let us reform the method by which MPs are permitted (or not) to serve their electors by speaking out in the Chamber.