Britain's best mainstream media blogger - Benedict Brogan - has noticed that red is back in a big way at Labour's Spring conference:
"The hall is decked in red, the fonts are red, the backdrop is red, the chair of the NEC is in a vivid red dress with a spangly necklace, and Hazel Blears has red hair, red cheeks and a hunting pink jacket. The message? Death to the racist, right-wing Tory toffs. Of course, I'm paraphrasing her speech a bit, but if you ever start believing this new politics nonsense, have a read of what she had to say just now. It's not just the stuff about Boris being a "nasty right-wing elitist" with "criminal friends", it's her riff about a string of Tories - Howe, Pickles, IDS, Hague - which is turns into a rant against Gordon's new friend Margaret Thatcher and her achievements. "The Tories haven't changed, they're the same tax-cutting, service-slashing, anti-European right-wingers they always were".
Other proofs:
The biggest nationalisation in British history.
Labour MPs singing The Red Flag outside Parliament last week.
Hazel Blears' nasty attack on Boris.
Class war against the Conservative leader.
Labour MPs signing an EDM praising Cuba. With Harriet Harman leading the way.
It really is as if Tony Blair never happened.