Remember how the BBC cancelled Planet Relief? Well, they didn't cancel it all the way.
The twenty-four hours from six this evening are E-Day. We're supposed to try and save energy, turn off devices on stand-by etc. BBC News Online covers it in glowing terms here and supposedly environmental charities, electricity companies and religious leaders are all behind the effort. The National Grid have been recruited to compare their 'business as usual' prediction of electricity use (which has to be pretty accurate or we get blackouts) and calculate E-Day's saving. Right now things aren't going very well.
That's absolutely hilarious. We're actually using more electricity on E-Day!
Of course, it doesn't mean anything. British carbon dioxide emissions are close to irrelevant in global terms (the only important terms with global warming) and the portion electricity generation is responsible for is even less significant. The drive for tiny efficiences in electricity consumption is the preserve of the sanctimonious hair-shirt brigade.
I'm liveblogging E-Day on Sinclair's Musings. How long will they keep the meter going?