According to the news today even people sleeping can have their blood pressure raised by flights going overhead, but this has been known for some time.
I'm more concerned with the Government raising my husband's blood pressure. As a comprehensive school teacher, the frequency of his outbursts at the 6am news when he hears another education announcement is increasing and I am sorely tempted to start my own pilot to monitor him for sporadic hypertension. Today was no exception. Amazingly, Andy Burnham declares secondary schools WILL be delivering 5 hours of high cultural education to pupils every week on a budget of £15 per year per child [no expense spared - this is clearly no gimmick]... on top of 5 hours of sport, new cookery lessons [from the non-existent domestic science classrooms] etc etc.
I simply have two questions. Will the Government get rid of the 17 forms my husband has to fill in before he takes his class to the theatre? Once I've proved the link between hypertension and Government announcements, can I sue?