Commissar Burnham has been awarded the Order of Lenin for his achievements in introducing our children to the best of British kulture.
Meanwhile, school teachers throughout the country are
fulminating with anger as the government tries to tell them how to do their job. As a doctor, I cannot but indulge in a little
schadenfreude. Perhaps people will begin
to understand now what the government has been doing to doctors and the
NHS over the last ten years. Teachers are underpaid, desperate
for resources and struggling to achieve better literacy and numeracy rates. They do not need the government to tell them about the benefits of creative writing.
Currently, after ten years of NuLabour "around 16 per cent, or 5.2 million adults in England, can be described as "functionally illiterate". They would not pass an English GCSE and have literacy levels at or below those expected of an 11-year-old." (National Literacy Trust)
But do not worry. Five hours of compulsory, government defined kulture will soon solve the illiteracy problems. "Heavens," said Commissar Burnham. "Five hours is nearly enough time to sit through the Ring cycle."
Problem solved then, Andy.
(and see "I am not a number, I am a free man")