In inviting CentreRight contributors to a champagne get-together this evening Sam Coates said we were like buses or Borgs in the way we all seem to post at once. For some strange reason Sam, I decided to google 'Borg' and 'all or nothing' tonight.... And the extraordinary thing is that the one of the top links was to a site on CentreRight-favourite topic Barack Obama - is he a Borg?! It makes compelling reading, for conspiracy theorists and insomniacs.
However this does raise the much more serious issue of transhumanism - the 'enhancing' of humans through artificial intelligence. You're not all talking about it yet, but in 2004 Francis Fukuyama called it the worlds most dangerous idea, so you will be. Barack might just not be a Borg, but if we continue merging technology and humanity [I call it the other inconvenient truth], will mere mortals be allowed to stand in Primaries? Or only the immortal....