I see that Baroness Neuberger has concluded that exhaustive checks are putting people off coming forward to volunteer to help charities. She is calling for an end to the "obsession with risks." All good stuff but is it not her party and Labour that are the first to regulate? Is it not off the tongues of Labour and LibDem MPs that the most vacuous phrase in politics 'make sure this never happens again' trips most frequently?
The 'right' always sees the danger of excessive regulation and warns of the consequences at the time. We are derided and ignored. Then the problem arrives and the 'left' have the answer. In this case Gordon Brown set up a new quango last month to advise on how to aviod 'systemic risk aversion.' As is said 'you couldn't make it up.'
I think I also saw somewhere today that record numbers of British citizens emigrated last year. No wonder.
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