Just in case you do not hear from me through the usual channels, I issued this from the European Foundation today. As the debates on the Lisbon Treaty begin in the House of Commons today, Bill Cash, MP, Chairman of the European Foundation, and the directors and leaders of seven other leading think tanks sign a letter in The Times, calling for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty:
Sir, Given that Gordon Brown has now signed the Lisbon Treaty (report, Jan 10), we believe that its proposals have immense constitutional significance amounting to a “fundamental change” to the way in which the UK is governed. This warrants a referendum in accordance with the Government’s own criteria for a referendum.
The Lisbon Treaty represents a fundamental threat to the livelihoods, businesses and government of the British people, and they must have their say on a matter of such vital national interest. It will reduce their sovereign Parliament to the status of a chatting-shop and their elected Members of Parliament to nothing more than administrators of European laws.
With further provisions for the right to strike under the related Charter of Fundamental Rights, European jurisdiction over crucial aspects of our criminal justice system and immigration, a greatly increased European control over energy policy, the introduction of an EU President to manage the political affairs of the 27 states within the bloc, a Foreign Minister assuming control over British foreign policy, and a clear subordination of our own national Parliament (to name but a few changes), our nation is in grave danger of becoming absorbed by the European leviathan.
Given the intrinsic dangers of the Lisbon Treaty, the Labour Government’s attempt to ram the Bill through Parliament without holding a national referendum is a direct attack on parliamentary democracy. Not to honour the referendum — since this Treaty is “substantially equivalent” to the rejected Constitutional Treaty which was worthy of a referendum — is to treat the people of this country like fools.
Bill Cash, MP Chairman, The European Foundation
Matthew Elliott Chief Executive, The TaxPayers’ Alliance
Damon de Laszlo Chairman, The Economic Research Council
Roger Helmer, MEP Hon Chairman, The Freedom Association
Nile Gardiner Director, The Margaret Thatcher Centre for Freedom
Donal Blaney Chief Executive, The Young Britons’ Foundation
Robert Oulds Director, The Bruges Group
Robert Halfon Political Director, Conservative Friends of Israel
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