Over at ToryDairy – CentreRight's older and uglier sister – there's a post on David Cameron's interview with Times. The focus is on his alleged endorsement of parents who get religion just to get their children into faith schools.
Melanie Phillips is quoted:
For a politician who aspires to lead his country to endorse lying and cheating is to give the public the message that he himself is not to be trusted.
It's worth quoting something else she said in the same piece:
I say ‘if’ it is true because, although there is a summary reference to this in the paper’s report of the actual interview with Cameron, it does not actually appear – in the on-line version, at least – and therefore I cannot see what Cameron actually said.
Quite so.
I'd very much like to see the complete quote in its proper context. My guess is that this would make clear that David Cameron is defending the general principle that parents have every right to do the best for their children, rather than the specific practice of faking a faith one doesn't actually have.
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