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October 01, 2006



Very impressive set of speeches so far. Clear indication that the Tories have identified Pensions as the major source of attack on Gordon.

James Maskell

The problem with that though is that we need to come up with proposals which arent the same, or even similar. Distinct policies are hard to find these days.


That's a different issue. To some extent what's done is done and everyone is going to have to look forward to poorer pension provision (or longer working) than they might have been hoping for. But that doesn't mean that for a certain section of the population it won't be possible to lay a lot of the blame at Gordon's door.


Hague's always brilliant at demolishing opponents. He's yet to prove himself as a political leader though who can broker tough decisions. Funny how those who write it or teach it, usually can't do it. He should have stood up to the europhiles and pushed through the EPP exit this year, but falling out with Clarke and Heseltine wouldn't be Hague's style. Europe must wait three more years for a semblance of democracy in the EP. I hope Hague shows more fight next time the future sits on his shoulders.

michael mcgough

Did he mention the 'Movement for European Reform@ which he is supposed to launch at conference or will this whither on the vine along with conservative policies?

John Coles

I think you will have to wait forever, Tapestry, for Hague to show real political fight. He reminds of the old Naval aphorism: ""Nice chap. Bloody useless."


John Coles, Hague's a nice chap and as much treacherous as useless...or if you're feeling charitable naive. I'm not (feeling charitable).

The MER is only a ploy to try to head off pressure for exiting the EPP. Hague Fudge again. Keep £ one Parliament etc etc etc

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Watching political shows is the favorite pastime of all young and old as they sure are becoming like comedy shows.

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