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« Wat Tyler: The Big Beef Speech | Main | Another armchair report on the BBC, by Graham Smith »

October 03, 2006



Excelllent stuff! Two questions Miss Seagull? 1 Fancy a drink with me ? 2 I s the 'senior figure' Oliver Letwin?

James Maskell

I reckon Francis Maude. His speech at Conference was pretty crap. I dearly hope its him who its rumoured about. We need a decent Chairman who actually wants to bring Associations in rather than alienating them.

John Coles

I'd settle for either of them - Francis Maude or Oliver Letwin. Neither of them seems to have much time for the "rank and file", both are instinctive top-down politicians.

Ben Redsell

I'd do anything to see the back of the most arrogant man in British Politics, except for keeping Francis Maude as Party Chairman. Yes, that's right. I'd rather have Tony Blair for PM!

Oberon Houston

Sorry, but I think there is too much right wing representation as it is without more trying to muscle in. More would just mean less and less votes for us.

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