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How is David Cameron doing?

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October 05, 2006



The fact that Newsnight was supportive shows how far Camerons speech was marketing hype rather than core principle. When read line by line on the web rather than with the presentational gloss, it was vapid and contradictory - even if all the delegates in the hall wet themselves. I can only hope that it was intended for Newsnight and the BBC, and he doesn't actually believe any of it.


Phase 1 - making it socially acceptable to talk about voting Tory - seems to have been successful.
We await Phase 2- policies - with eager anticipation


"The BBC true to form panned the camera to three old buffers who appeared to be the only people in the hall not clapping when DC spoke approvingly of same sex marriages."

I don't approve of same sex 'Marriages'and I'm a 23 year-old athiest.

I'm sick of being patronised by the New-Tory Whigs.

Matt Wright

The speech was aimed at the centre ground where most voters reside. It began to map out the route rather than set out policies. It continued to present a new more caring image to overcome old perceptions of the Conservative party. The big idea was social responsibility (in fact a continuation of a good theme brought upto date).

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