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How is David Cameron doing?

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October 03, 2006



Agree with your view of BBC coverage Graham.They are desperately trying to create a row that isn't there. Even the BBC didn't stoop so low as to try and make capital out of Osbornes reply to Mary Anne Seigharts' autism comment for which they do deserve a little credit. As for the Times...words fail me.

James Hellyer

The BBC gave ample coverage to Osborne's autism gaffe on Ceefax (where I only looked after they'd mentioned it on last night's ten o'clock news).


Just watched the BBC news at 10 and they are still flogging the story about tax cuts!

Also trying to expose the Tories new allies in the European Parliment as hard right loonies out in Czech Republic, combined with getting Blair onto Newsround/Blue Peter during our conference just highlights how the BBC has an obvious bias against the Conservatives.

James Maskell

A local Labour Councillor has blogged about the tax issue and relating it to the Tories...its so desperate its funny!


The BBC are increasingly predictable in advancing their own agenda and a travesty of Public Service Broadcasting.

I wish I had the courage to withold my licence fee - I gave it a good go last year but chickened out when the threatening phone calls started.

On Breakfast TV this morning they had a short interview with David Cameron and tagged on the end a question about Tesco's profits. David was careful to say that they were a great British company but there were concerns about supermarket payments to farmers and the decline of small shops. This was followed by an interview with Terry Leahey Tesco's MD who was told that the leader of the Conservatives was attacking his company. Leahey was too cute to fall for that and made an avuncular reply. Later on in the programme BBC took a clip of Cameron out of context and a clip of Leahey out of context and anyone watching would have thought that there was an all out row between them. Our licence fee continues to fund a left leaning propaganda machine.

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